Tag Archives: taxes

Obama’s Acceptance Speech

I listened to Obama’s entire acceptance speech. I listened to no commentary before or after.

He is good. He is very smooth and polished. He even, at times, sounds like a conservative. He pushed for more personal responsibility from fathers. He asked for more accountability from schools and teachers. He promised lower taxes to the working class. He wants a balanced budget. These things are awesome.

I firmly believe that Barack Obama believes what he says. I believe that he does love this country.

But if you listened closely, what did you really hear? Barack thinks that every American deserves a top-notch education. He believes that every person deserves top-quality health care. He believes that it will be his job to make sure that companies provide more time off to workers and that they are penalized for shipping jobs overseas.

Oh, and he’ll pay for it all by taxing the best and brightest in America.

Doesn’t that sound more like Robin Hood? Tax the rich and disperse the money through government programs to everyone. That’s standard liberal thinking. It penalizes those that succeed. If we tax the high performers in this country, we severely limit the growth of the very people Obama wants to help. Companies should never be penalized for having huge profits–as that is what drives growth in our economy.

Many Christians are even starting to support Obama, as they see the Democratic party as the ones that will actually help hurting people. But we have to change the way we define help in this country. Help does not mean money or insurance or programs. And help certainly doesn’t mean that you deserve anything. The conservatives–and not necessarily John McCain–understand this.

If we remove the restraints of taxes and government, the American people will have more money and time to help those that are hurting. You see, it’s not the government’s job to help people, it’s ours. And it’s the government’s job to make that as easy as possible for us to do.

That’s what personal responsibility truly is. Obama’s definition is only about 80% truth, which makes it a bold-faced lie. It’s evil and it’s wrong.

Obama, your plan will not succeed. Your type of change is not welcome here.


Filed under Michael